CLI Certification Tool: the new online tool for drawing up Certificates of Conformity

CCLI’s Certificate of Conformity has proved to be a vital tool for Project Owners, Engineers and construction contractors who wish to be absolutely certain that an armour facing has been built in line with the ACCROPODE™ technology specifications.
This certainty can only be obtained once all the relevant inspections have been carried out. To do so, it is essential to monitor the progress of the works in real time. Following each inspection a factual and detailed report, which can comprise photos, videos, and a topographic survey, is drawn up by an inspector.
To avoid the tedious task of managing these reports and facilitate the data summarising process, CLI has developed an online tool that is dedicated to managing these documents and sharing them in real time. It is accessible to all project stakeholders and can be used to give an opinion on validation of the structure as the construction works progress.
Thanks to the continuous supervision conducted on-site by accredited inspection contractors, CLI can issue the certificate of conformity as soon as the works have been completed. In this way, all the data are compiled and can be consulted easily.
This online solution is currently being used in the framework of a major project in Malaysia, for the purpose of issuing the Certificate of Conformity before the end of the year. And it is set to be used more widely on many other projects.

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